
maximo7 on XP

Maximo7 shipped with WebSphere and DB2 - we could save some license costs without Oracle. My dev environment is on XP/WLS/Oracle, since I love WebLogic environment and its light footprints.

My colleague wanted to install maximo7 with WAS/DB2 on his XP box because we have poor win2003 server boxes but have some powerful XP workstations. I believe both WAS and DB2 supports XP for testing purpose though MWI(maximo middleware installer) deny install them. We never would like to configure manually WAS dmgr, nodeagent, appserver, JMS definitions, and so on. We just did them like followings.
  • copy DVD image on the harddrive.
  • edit \Install\MWI\DeploymentPackage\DeploymentSteps\MWI_7.1_Prereqs\check\01_CHECKS\package\multios\META-INF\packagedIU.xml
    <pattern>Windows 2003</pattern> -> <pattern>Windows XP</pattern>
  • that's it.


  1. I try above method, it works. but when I try to install maximo base service, it seem remote networm connection is not actived, do you have idea which service should be up

  2. Right click on My Computer and go to Remote Tab and see the check is selected, you can also check the Advanced settings there.

    Hope this works for you..

    Good Luck!
    Ibrahim Syed

  3. Alan,
    it seems smb remote execution issue.
    Try checking your firewall settings and disable simple file sharing.

    Hope this helps.

  4. Has anyone tries installing on Windows 7 (Professional)?

    I found the registry key
    hkeylocalmachine/Software/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/ProductName
    in both Windows XP and Windows 7 Pro. The Value of the Key includes "Microsoft" but when editing the pattern in the xml file that is omitted above. Has anyone tried installing with pattern Windows 7 or Windows 7 Professional?
    If I try, I'll post back here.
